This is a game which has been created for submission to the GMTK game Jam. It is a very simple game developed using the Unity game engine. In this game you control the platform near the player and not the player itself. You can move the platforms up/down or can rotate them.  You control the next 2-3 platforms. The spawn height of the platforms is between -1 and 3 and they spawn with approximately equal spacing. The game will end if the player falls or if his speed (horizontal) is very low. Scoring is very simple, your score keeps increasing as you move forward. Play in Fullscreen mode for better experience. So, start converting your Potential energy into Kinetic energy in the game!


1. The game was made using the Unity game engine

2. The Audio for the game was created using the tool "Bosca Ceoil" by Terry Cavanagh -


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i'm a master of this game


Nice to hear that. Hope you enjoyed the game

(1 edit)

A request, please do comment if you score above 1000 or reach a speed above 10